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Duphalac Dry Sachets 30's

Digestive Health

For the treatment of chronic constipation.
SKU: 815047010
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DUPHALAC is used to treat chronic constipation. It can be taken by pregnant women. It works by increasing the amount of water and stool bulk in the bowel, promoting normal bowel movement. Duphalac Dry can be best taken with breakfast cereals, or drinks such as tea, coffee, fruit juice or milk.

Ingredients per sachet: 10g lactulose (4-0-beta-D-galactopyranosyl-D-fructofuranose) (a maximum of 0,25g galactose and 0,2g lactose)

Indications: Constipation and Portal systemic encephalopathy

Contraindications: Do not use the product if known hypersensitivity or allergy exists towards any of the ingredients. Do not use this product if suffering from Galactosaemia (including patients on a galactose-free diet), and intestinal obstruction.

Warnings and Special precautions: If you are taking chronic medication consult your medical practitioner before usage

Dosage: Do not exceed recommended daily dosage.

  • Constipation: The dosage for constipation can be varied according to the individual response, but the following serves as a guide. Starting dose (3 days) - Maintenance dose - gram per day: Adults: 10-30 g - 10-20 g. Children 7-14 years: 10 g - 10 g. Children 1-6 years: 5-10 g - 5-10 g. If there is no response within 48 hours the dosage can be increased and if diarrhoea occurs the dosage should be decreased.
  • Portal systemic encephalopathy: Starting dose 20-35 g three times a day. The maintenance dose has to be adjusted to the individual response.

Pack Size: 30 Sachets

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