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Reuterina Drops 5ml

Digestive Health

Assist your child in the treatment and prevention of conditions affecting the gut.
Manufacturer: BioGaia
SKU: 703631001
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Specially formulated for infants under the age of 2 years in a convenient liquid drop. Helps combat intestinal antibiotic side effects and decreases the incidence and severity of infectious diarrhoea.

Ingredients: Lactobacilluc Reuteri Protectis 100 million cfu.

Indications: Assist your child in the treatment and prevention of conditions such as constipation, acute gastroenteritis, antibiotic-associated diarrhoea as well as other conditions affecting the gut.

Contraindications: Do not use the product if known hypersensitivity or allergies exists towards any of the ingredients.

Warning and Special precautions: If you are taking any chronic medication consult your medical practitioner before using it.

Dosage: Do not exceed the recommended dosage, efficacy of support may vary between users.

  •    Infants under the age of 12: Place 5 drops a day, or as prescribed.

Pack Size: 5ml

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